"Begin your
journey to

Mentoring programs
Strategic Partners
Safe Shelter provide emergency shelter but this is just the beginning. To truly end homelessness, Safe Shelter is an advocate to families and individuals to provide resources which support the dignity and self-worth of all residents in their journey of transitioning to self-sufficiency.
Safe Shelter's partners are standing by to provide any type of mentorship or coaching to enable you to thrive.
Oneida Behavioral Health
Oneida Public Health
Oneida Emergency Management
Oneida Police Department
Sweet Willow Wellness
Oneida Emergency Food Panty
New Community Clinic
House of Hope Motel Voucher Program
Wise Women Gathering Place
Oneida Income Maintenance
Retired Educators-University of Wisconsin Green Bay
Child Advocates
Become A Mentor
Like the Board of Directors listed below, many have a deeply instilled ambition to change the world. Safe Shelter encourages everyone to seek their opportunity to give back to society however they see fit.
If you would like to become a mentor,
call 920.883.1557. You can also message us using the contact form on the Contact Us page.
Board of Directors
Along with Safe Shelter's strategic partners, we have an amazing Board of Directors providing leadership in many types of disciplines.

Left to right back row: Shannon Wienandt, Kerry Metoxen, Secretary/Treasurer Valorie Helander, Board Member, Michelle BraatenJulie; Front Center: Vice-Chairwoman & Executive Director, Pearl Webster
Not pictured: President, Theresa Halscik, Board Member, Terri Refsguard,